It is quite common that, among companies that have an in-house legal department, there is a somewhat distorted view of the function of the in-house lawyer. The relationship with the legal department has normally been built from ignorance and the discomfort that this generates. This relationship causes his figure to come out badly on multiple occasions, such as when requesting budgets to carry out his projects divorce attorney huntersville.
On the other hand, there are other options for building this relationship that, when applied, result in a much more natural, organic and strategic integration of the legal field within organizations . In this way, the in-house lawyer can defend his projects with compelling arguments and from the position that corresponds to him in the business.
What advice should the in-house lawyer follow to defend their digitalization projects?
How to enhance and empower the figure of the in-house lawyer
How to position the legal area within the organization
Defense of the legal area budget
Analysis of the appropriate tools for the legal area
How to enhance and empower the figure of the in-house lawyer
How to manage the difficulty in requesting and obtaining the necessary resources.
One of the difficult moments of the year for every legal advisor director is negotiating their budget or any additional item that needs to be financed to acquire, increase or modify the endowment of resources.
Sometimes the lawyer does not feel legitimate to even request a budget, but they must be clear about what their objectives are , as well as the arguments they must use to obtain authorization for what they need so that their department can function and contribute the same or more value than the rest of the company’s departments.
How to position the legal area within the organization
If the legal area wants to be strategic in and for the organization, one of the first steps to take is to think and behave with the same business rigor in its management as any other department of the company and, in particular, that the departments that do They are typically viewed as strategic departments (such as the finance department, which is also a service department).
Improving the perception of the legal area, working in collaboration with other business areas
The company, like any other system, is made up of people and the fundamental thing about people is their ability to create and generate links. This is difficult and cannot be achieved in one day, but perseverance in building a new collaborative relationship with the rest of the areas of the organization will surely bear fruit.
To do this, it will not only be necessary to work on interpersonal relationships with the members of the rest of the areas, letting them see the profound change that has been carried out in the legal area and in its members, but it will also be necessary to communicate with these other areas following certain guidelines. business communication guidelines that are not those normally used in the legal department.
Defense of the legal area budget
Internal sales arguments to defend projects that need financial approval
The legal department has been considered the department of no on many occasions, the one that delays agreements, not because it is slow, but because of the great detail it has to give to each matter. But we must fight against the idea that legal is an inefficient department.
Only thanks to a change of mentality, new innovative projects and legal tech, can you optimize your processes and focus on the tasks that generate true added value for the company. But, in addition, you will need to establish a strategy and some KPIs that help you verify all the value that it brings to the business.
Analysis of the appropriate tools for the legal area
3 first tips to select the best tools
The legal team must choose technology that supports people , that brings out the best in its professionals and that turns them into superheroes.
It is recommended that the chosen technology have a defined roadmap and clear software development expectations.
The software must offer the highest security standards . For this, it is essential to verify that the processes are safe and that they have adequate certification.