Are You Killing Your Dog With Kindness?

All dogs love treats and all dog owners love giving their dog a treat. We feel it’s the least we can do for one who loves us unconditionally. But are you giving him the right treat? There are tons of different treats available for your canine friend and they come in all shapes, sizes and colors just like dogs. There are great dog treats and some not so great. Some of these so called “treats” can cause your pet harm. They can get stuck in your dog’s throat or intestines and can cause choking or worse. If you love your best friend, and I’m sure you do, you need to be aware of which treats can be potentially harmful to your pet.

Greenies: Dogs love these little bone shaped treats. If you read the packaging they claim to clean your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath. Sounds great, right? You need to be aware that they can cause choking. Dogs love them so much that they just about inhale them. In a blink the whole thing has been swallowed and can get lodged in their throats. I’m sure they do a great job on your dog’s teeth and who wouldn’t like their dog to have “minty fresh” breath. I would especially when he starts “giving me kisses”. Well, maybe you can have your cake or greenie and eat it too. I’ve started breaking up the greenies into bite size pieces before I give them to my dog. And I supervise him when I give them to him. This way I can make sure the pieces are small enough for him even if he devours them in one bite. I definitely want a dog with “minty fresh” breath especially when he’s breathing on me. Take note though, young puppies should not eat this treat.

Rawhide Chews: My dog loves these chewy treats. Rawhide chews are good because they clean your dog’s teeth and keep him entertained. But not all rawhide chews are equal and some can be lethal. Some rawhides that originate outside of the United States may have been preserved with arsenic-based chemicals. Use of this preservative has been forbidden in the US and, of course, toxic if ingested by your dog. Double check that the rawhide chew you purchase has been processed in the USA. If the packaging does not tell you where it was made, don’t buy it! Plus keep an eye on your dog when he is munching on his chew to make sure he doesn’t choke. And be sure to buy rawhides that are the right size for your dog.

Chocolate: Chocolate is also a no-no for your dog. Some dogs, especially small ones, have been known to have seizures when they have ingested too much chocolate. Chocolate is toxic to both dogs and cats in large quantities, so you need to be aware of your dog sneaking chocolate, especially around the holidays. Chocolate contains an ingredient called theobromine that affects your pet the same way that caffeine acts in humans. A little will make a dog hyperactive but a huge dose may be fatal. If your dog has gotten into chocolate, you need to watch for vomiting, shallow breathing, and irregular heartbeat. A visit to the emergency vet unusually results.

Bones: Dogs and bones go together like coffee and donuts. Dogs love all bones but some bones can be dangerous to our 4 legged friends. What dog has not gotten into the garbage where you’ve thrown the left over chicken carcass from dinner. Chicken and turkey bones are especially dangerous to dogs. When dogs chew on these very brittle bones they can easily splinter and cause choking. Some pork and beef bones can also cause the same problem. Veterinarians agree that one of the safest bones you can give your dog is a shinbone. When you give your dog a bone, make sure you supervise him. This could save his life.

Raisins and Grapes: DO NOT under any circumstances give your dog raisins or grapes. They are extremely toxic to your pet and can cause kidney failure. Scientists and vets still do not know why the kidneys fail or the amount of raisins or grapes that causes toxicity. If your dog ingests these toxic foods, he will need aggressive, possibly long-term, treatment for kidney failure. Lack of treatment can result in death. If you catch him eating grapes or raisins, call your vet immediately!

Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Peaches and Plums: These fruits contain a type of cyanide compound that can poison your dog if he eats enough of the stems, seeds and leaves. This can result in dilated pupils, breathing difficulties, hyperventilation, shock, and apprehensiveness. Call your vet if your dog exhibits these symptoms.

Dogs are the best and you love them so you give them treats. Just be sure you’re giving them the right kind of treats. Pay attention to what you give your pet for a snack. You want to keep your best friend around for many years to come.

Daisy Profits writes articles and builds websites on various subjects. She is a jewelry artist and has been a Flight Attendant for 10 years. Daisy lives in Florida with her maltipoo, Sky, in a house she is renovating. You can visit her latest site at [] which has information on items for your dog and facts about hypoallergenic dog food [].

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