Intuitive Guitar Playing in Open-D Tuning

Open-D tuning is a wonderful, but sadly under-utilized way to play guitar. For the intuitive, experimenting, or “ear” player, there is no finer tuning to explore guitar, in any musical style. As a guitar teacher, Intuitive Guitar Playing in Open-D Tuning Articles I take the time when assessing potential students, to ask about their guitar … Read more

What are Qualitative Benefits of Cheap International Shipping?

Make sure that you get into the details of the pros and cons of international shipping before hiring the services of international shipping company. This would never make you wrong at any time. Today international shipping has become a full scale business which is being manned by professional and organized cargo and freight transportation companies. … Read more

Interstate Trucking vs Intrastate Trucking vs Intermodal Trucking

Commercial truck driving operations in America fall into one of two types: intrastate or interstate. Interstate trucking refers to a trucking business that runs in more than one state; the truck driver  crosses the state borders with his interstate truck while carrying commercial freight. Intrastate means the operation occurs within the borders of a single state. The primary difference between … Read more

Win at Slot Machines

Slot machines are one of the most popular spots in any casino. However the probability of winning at slots if not much. Fortunately there are some tips that can help a person win often.Playing slots is fun and exciting for many people. Just a few hours of playing, it can result it monetary gains. Start playing … Read more