Parenting Tips – How to Find an Online Parenting Class

There are many options for parenting classes on the internet. How can you find them? How can you sort through them? Which one will work best for you? Where do you start?

Searching For Parenting Classes

Our search will start on the internet. Before you choose your favorite search engine, decide what you are searching for parenting courses. Let’s assume that you are searching for a free online parenting class. (If you are searching for a class to fulfill a court requirement, you probably won’t want to search for a free one. Just take the word “free” out of the search.)

Start Your Search

Go to your favorite search engine. In the search box, type the words that you want the search engine to look for. I would start with this search: “free parenting classes”.

The search engine will return all pages in its database that contain those three words. The pages it thinks are the most relevant will be listed first. That doesn’t necessarily mean that one of those pages is the best one for you.

For instance, many parenting classes that charge for their material also offer free articles. If they mention those free articles on their homepage, the word “free” will be found by the search engine and will show up in the results that you see. You will have to look at the page to see if the parenting class offered is free or if the word free refers to extra content offered by the site.

Deciding Which Parenting Class is For You

Are you simply looking for tips to help you find ways to raise your children? Look at the class syllabus to determine if the site has what you need.

Are you looking for a class to satisfy a court requirement? Most free classes do not offer certificates of completion to satisfy a court requirement. Some sites offer a free class, but will charge you if you want a certificate of completion. When you register for their class, they have your email address and can send offers to buy a certificate. Are you willing to put up with “offers” to get a free class?

Register For Your Parenting Classes

Once you’ve chosen a free class, its time to register. Some free parenting classes are presented entirely online. Others will email you a lesson every week or so. Choose the method that works for you. But, again, keep in mind that once you register, you will probably be sent “offers” via email.

Check the site’s privacy policy before giving away your email address. Remember – nothing in life is “free”. A free class may be offered simply as a way to get the email address of a person they know is interested in Parenting Classes. Highly targeted emails may follow your registration.

Good luck in your search for a parenting class. I hope that whether you use a free class or a professional class, you find the tips you need to raise happy, healthy children.

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