Matcha is a drink that comes from the powdered leaves of green tea . It began as a lifestyle in China during the Song Dynasty and became popular around the world for its many health benefits. Did you know that one glass of this powder is equivalent to ten cups of green tea in antioxidant content?
Buddhist monks have long discovered that this drink helps keep the mind alert and at the same time promotes relaxation of the body; perfect conditions to meditate in a better way . The only way to take advantage of the full potential of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is to consume the whole leaf, therefore, when we drink green tea we only consume a fraction of the benefits it offers such as improving the immune system, compared to matcha. This reduces stress and helps with intestinal transit. In addition, these tea leaves accelerate metabolism and improve intestinal flora london nootropics.
If you have thought about giving up coffee because it makes you a little nervous and causes stomach irritation, we assure you that this powder is the best natural and healthy substitute, it will give you hours of energy. However, it is important to take precautions as with any other food. No matter how healthy it is, it can have side effects if you consume too much.
The best thing about this ingredient is that you can drink it hot or cold and you can use it to make the most delicious and healthy recipes . We recommend adding it to your pancakes, oatmeal, desserts and ice cream. Below we will tell you one by one all the benefits that you can find in this ancient drink.
Due to its high dietary fiber content, matcha tea helps relieve constipation and stabilize blood sugar levels. Likewise, it is rich in vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium. It is also much richer in chlorophyll than other teas. Chlorophyll is the element that gives tea its characteristic green color, and if you didn’t know, it helps eliminate toxins , heavy metals, dioxins and hormone disruptors from the body.
The antioxidant power of matcha tea is spectacular! Even more than that of blackberries. This is a natural chemical compound that prevents chronic diseases. The green powder in question has 1,300 units per gram of antioxidants, that is, twenty times more than other fruits , helping to prevent premature aging. Also, it is good for any heart disease.
This food is like consuming caffeine, it improves your mood and helps with concentration . This happens thanks to its content of L-theanine , an amino acid that promotes a state of relaxation and well-being. Therefore, it will help you relax without making you sleepy and will give you energy.
Another of the properties of tea is its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic power, which helps you have smoother and more luminous skin . In addition, it combats dark circles and reduces the effects of exposing yourself to UV rays. So you know, with two cups a day you can enjoy its benefits.
Due to its high polyphenol content , a teaspoon of matcha tea helps speed up metabolism and burn calories . Likewise, it contains catechin , another element that stops the accumulation of fat in the body.